
About Testing

In the Dallas-Ft. Worth area, and most of Texas, Dr. Ron can order the Wellness Profile Blood Test for clients. If our usual laboratory company is not available, in or outside Texas, we can make arrangements for you to have blood work done. The regular blood labs (CPL) won’t draw for tests they don’t process themselves. For other “alternative” tests including plasma amino acids, plasma hormones, etc., that need to have blood drawn, we make special arrangements. We have set it up to where you will be able to go and have the blood drawn for these tests, without having to become a doctor’s patient (which saves you money).

Many times your Doctor may run the tests for you, but rarely will he/she run the whole Wellness Profile Blood Test – maybe half or less of it: and insurance only pays for tests that confirm your diagnosis. Insurance does not pay for Wellness Screenings. Heaven forbid that you find something, and they have to pay to help you correct your health.

Our clients generally know something is not right. Many have gone to several doctors, but are still not satisfied. They have been plagued by certain problems for years, and been dismissed by: “That is normal, everybody has that”, “Everything is within the ‘normal’ range”, or the best one: “What do you expect for your age?” We then have to go further to look for clues; that is where the alternative tests come in. They are not really alternative tests, they are commonly used in research settings, but they just haven’t made it to the mainstream public. We always like a copy of any previous test results, including blood work, which you had done by other health providers, to look at the trends in your biochemistry.

Many tests require a urine, saliva, stool, blood spot, or hair sample. They come with excellent instructions and prepaid mailers. It does take some extra paperwork on our part, and we charge for our time.

To Learn More About A Specific Test Click Below

  • Amino Acid Testing

    To see if protein intake is adequate, or if digestion is functioning properly, you can measure the amino acids in the blood. Amino acids are used to make red blood cells, white blood cells, anti-bodies, hair, skin, nails, bone, muscle, digestive and metabolic enzymes, hormones (thyroid, insulin), neurotransmitters, and more.

    The Amino Acid Finger Stick Test can be done at home. Other options: A plasma 40 amino acid test, or a urine 40 amino acid test.

  • Adrenal Stress Index Test

    The human adrenal gland secretes its steroid hormones in a 24-hour cycle (circadian rhythm) with the highest value in the morning and the lowest value at night. An abnormal adrenal rhythm can influence many functions of the body: energy production, the immune system, sleep quality, thyroid function, and more. This test can be helpful for individuals with: chronic stress or stress maladaptation, lack of vitality and energy, hypoglycemia, migraine headaches, osteoporosis, sleep disturbances, poor memory, low sex drive, low body temperature, and other complaints.

    For more info visit: DiagnosTechs

  • Bone Turnover Testing

    Osteoporosis occurs when the rate of bone breakdown (osteoclasts) outpaces bone rebuilding (osteoblasts). This urine test is used to see how fast bone tissue turns over by measure a bone specific compound in your urine. The higher the bone turnover, the higher the requirement for bone building nutrients will be (the higher your risk for osteoporosis).

  • Cardiac Risk Factors (serum)

    You can add these tests to your “Wellness Profile” or order them individually. They are included in the Cardio ION™ and the LPP+ Profile. These heart disease risk factors are independent of cholesterol levels. Elevated levels are associated with a higher risk of heart disease, even if you have perfect cholesterol levels. Question: “Why do most doctors put you on cholesterol medication without considering these factors?” Order these tests if you have a family history of heart disease, eat poorly, or lead a high stress life style:

    1. Homocysteine – a potent cause of arterial damage that may be responsible for as many as 20 percent of all cases of arterial disease and damage, second only to oxidized cholesterol as a cause of this #1 public health problem.

    2. High Sensitive C‑Reactive Protein (hsCRP) – elevated levels of c‑reactive protein have been shown to correlate with arterial disease in healthy men and women. Anti‑inflammatory medication may be indicated to help in decreasing arterial disease.

    3. Fibrinogen – one of the clotting factors. High levels are associated with cardiovascular risk and Thrombosis.

    4. Lp(a) – a rarely tested protein that is one of the most potent risk factors for arterial disease. Its importance has been validated in numerous scientific studies, yet it is infrequently measured and often explains why people with otherwise normal cholesterol panels develop arterial disease, accounting for up to 30 percent of all known cases.

    5. Lipo Protein Particle Testing: Patients with a normal cholesterol value, but abnormal particle size or density and numbers, can be at serious risk for cardiovascular disease.

    6. Lp-PLA2 – lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2. The newest independent risk factor. Relatively new, so still very pricy. For people with rupture prone plaque.

    7. If you suspect your had a heart attack you should go see a physician. He will probably order creatine kinase, Troponin I and Troponin T, if it is within 2 weeks of the suspected occurrence.

    8. Near future available test: “Oxidized cholesterol”. Oxidized cholesterol is the real culprit that starts the cardiovascular disease ball rolling.

  • Carotenoid Testing

    How to do a quick evaluation: First get direct sunlight or bright white light. Then make a tight fist, with the palm facing you. Open your fist quickly and look at the color of your palm. If it is white you are low on carotenoids, if it is yellow you have a good amount of carotenoid. Rationale: Carotenoids are the fat soluble plants pigments that have antioxidant properties. They are stored in the subcutaneous fat layer under your skin. So we use your palms because they don’t suntan, there is no pigment to cover up the carotenoids. Next we make a tight fist to squeeze the blood (red) out of the palm area. Now we open the fist fast, to look at the color of the subcutaneous fat in the palm, before the blood rushes back in. Note: calloused hands have a yellow color as well.

    The more exact way is to send a blood sample to Kronos Science Laboratories, Inc. This test evaluates your intake fruits, vegetables and whole grains by measuring the fat-soluble antioxidants (Carotenoids, CoQ10, and Vitamin E) that are present in your blood. Test for: Total Carotenoids (Carotene (Alpha), Carotene (Beta),

    Cryptoxanthin (Beta), Lutein, Lycopene), Retinol, Retinyl Palmitate, Zeaxanthin, Total Tocopherols (Alpha, Delta, Gamma) found in your blood.

    How to improve your antioxidant status: Go visit Carotenoid Complex and read about

    the product (Click on the various boxes and pictures to find all the hidden links). This supplement is used to maximize your immune system. Add more colors to your diet. This supplement is a must for those, who are not eating 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day! Call (800) 749-2503 to order at a discount.

  • Diet Therapy - Eating foot to get your particular nutrients

    The Food Pharmacy® Software recommends which foods to eat, limit and avoid related to your diseases, allergies, blood type, and other factors, based on published scientific studies, including Dr. Power’s research, which is licensed to Food Pharmacy.

    FoodPharmacy® software provides:

    • Provide proven dietary strategies for over 250 acute and chronic medical conditions.*
    • Treat multiple conditions without cross interference.
    • Increase or decrease any nutrient in seconds.
    • Adjust the ratios of protein, carbohydrate and fat as required.
    • Eliminate allergens, toxins, junk food items, and harmful foods.
    • Address a patient’s blood type, body type, metabolic type, Ayurvedic type and more.
    • Create clear, color-coded food lists proven to increase patient compliance.
    • Print the results in 26 different languages.
    • Access cooking instructions, eating & shopping guidelines, and easy-to-do worksheets for patients.

    Here is the best review: “Food Pharmacy Software brilliantly incorporates a multitude of nutritional factors and creates a one of a kind customized diet plan. It clearly answers the patient’s question ‘So what can I eat?'” by Jonathan V. Wright, MD, Author, World Renowned Physician and Teacher.

  • Essential Fatty Acids Testing

    This test looks at the balance of polyunsaturated fats (omega-3 (fish oils), omega-6 (plant oils)), mono unsaturated fats (omega-9, plant oils), saturated fats and hydrogenated fats in either the blood plasma or in the red blood cell membranes (RBC). The balance of the different fats can determine the proportion of the different cell messengers that are made. Prostaglandins, thromboxanes, prostacyclins and leukotrienes are hormone-like compounds having great biological influence. They control or influence many body processes, including blood clotting, blood pressure, blood sugar, circulation, fertility, gastrointestinal secretion (digestion), immunity, inflammation, (poor) memory, menstrual cramps, pain and reproduction. These functions are involved in arthritis, asthma, cancer, depression, diabetes, eczema, glaucoma, (migraine) headaches, heart disease, irritable bowel, and other disorders. RBC fatty acid testing generally reflects the fatty acid makeup of the brain. Plasma fatty acid testing reflects more your recent fat consumption.

  • Estronex (cancer risk testing)

    Consider the Estronex test to look at your estrogen metabolites. Certain metabolites are associated with a higher risk of breast, prostate, head and neck cancers. Others are more protective.

    For details and background info read the article by Lord RS, Bongiovanni B, and Bralley JA, Altern Med Rev. 2002. 7(2): p. 112-29. Since then many more articles have been published.

  • Female Hormone Panels

    Visit Diagnos Techs and click on “Tests and Panels” then look at the Female Hormonal and the Post Menopausal Hormone panels.

    For more insight in female hormones and PMS also check out John Lee MD

  • Food Allergy Testing

    The Bloodspot 30 foods allergy test is a quick way to see if food allergies are contributing to your fatigue, allergies, drainage, depression, food addiction, inability to lose weight and more. This inexpensive, easy finger stick test can be done at home and then send in. It test for 30 foods: almond, Aspergillus mix, beef, cashew, chicken, corn, crab, egg (whole), garlic, lobster, milk, mustard seed, oat, orange, peas (green), peanut, pinto bean, salmon, shrimp, soy, strawberry, sunflower, tomato, tuna, turkey, walnut, and wheat sensitivity. Other tests are also available.

    The Allergix IgG4 Food Antibodies to 90 foods – Serum testing by Metametrix. IgG4 antibodies are associated with non-atopic or “delayed” food reactions that can worsen or contribute to many different health problems. These reactions are considered the most common form of immunologically mediated food intolerance. For this blood test you will receive a kit in the mail and directions to a laboratory in your neighborhood.

    More extensive testing (very extensive) is provided by ALCAT. They provide sensitivity testing for food (50, 100, 150 or 200 foods), food additives (including aspartame), food colorings (including Red #40), environmental chemicals (including chlorine) and molds (including Aspergillus). You can also test for sensitivity to several antibiotics (including Penicillin), anti-inflammatory agents (including Tylenol) and pharmacoactive agents (including nicotine).

    There are many more ways for the body to react to an offending substance than by producing antibodies. The ALCAT test uses whole blood, as opposed to serum. Rather than only checking for IgG and IgE antibodies formed in response to particular food proteins, it actually analyzes cellular changes that occur to the white blood cells when they are exposed to challenge substances like foods and chemicals. This methodology can detect responses that occur on any potential pathway (i.e.: IgG, IgA, IgM, complement, pharmacologic, toxic, lectin, etc.). Go to their website and click on “ALCAT Testing” and then select “Test panels” to see all the items they test for. We can arrange for you to have these tests done from coast to coast.

  • Gluten Sensitivity Testing A, B, C's

    A. Gluten Sensitivity is not the same as celiac disease! There is celiac disease and there is non-celiac gluten-sensitivity. Both are underdiagnosed. Your average doctor will do a bloodtest for Gliadin (deaminated) antibodies IgA and IgG and also for Tissue Transglutaminase antibodies IgA and IgG. And if the is thorough he will also test for total SIgA. If the results are positive you are considered Celiac and might be scheduled for a biopsy to look for villous atrophy. If the results are negative you may very well be a non-celiac gluten sensitive person. Mixed results and more testing will help. Why this difference? Because the antibodies used in most tests are against a minor component of wheat protein called alpha-gliadin (33-mer). So the test misses any antibody reactions to many other components of wheat that can also elicit an immune response such as: alpha-gliadin (33-mer and 17-mer), gamma-gliadin (15-mer), omega-gliadin, glutenin, gluteomorphin, prodynorphin, and agglutinins. Don’t be too quick to rule out wheat as the cause of your health problems.

    B. Consider Enterolab testing to see if you are at risk for celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity. Call 972-686-6869 or visit Entero Lab. The genetic testing is done by a cheek swab, which you can do at home Order the “Gluten Sensitivity Gene Test (Molecular HLA-DQB1 analysis)” for $149 and if you wish add “Panel E: Gluten Sensitivity Stool Panel” for $279 to confirm that you are reacting to gluten. This testing will also confirm if your offspring is at risk. They currently don’t test your total serum IgA output, which would tell you if you could mount a good response and validate the Panel E results. About 10% of the population has a hereditary low SIgA, which can result in a false negative result. You don’t have to consume gluten in the 3-6 months prior to your tests.

    C. Consider better testing to make sure you are not gluten sensitive or are still getting gluten in your diet or are in contact with it (and therefore your healing progress is slowed down). Take a look at Cyrex Laboratories

    · Array 1 – Mucosal Gluten Reactivity Screen. It is a saliva screen to assess the mucosal immune function and to look for gluten sensitivity and celiac disease. It can predict gluten sensitivity and celiac disease before they fully manifest themselves.

    · Array 2 – Intestinal Antigenic Permeability Screen. It is currently the best intestinal permeability testing available. This new test looks for bacterial antigens in the bloodstream, proof that bacteria made it into the bloodstream (very bad). It also test for antibodies to the proteins that hold the tight junctions together, signifying breakdown of the tissue. Intestinal permeability can contribute to inflammation, food allergies.

    · Array 3 – Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity. This is the best test to look wheat & gluten sensitivity. It has 24 tests, IgA and IgG combined, that test for 14 factors that can indicate gluten sensitivity as opposed to the 2 sometime 3 tests that traditional medicine tests uses to determine if your are gluten sensitive. It is an excellent test to see if any other wheat derivates, not just gliadin are still getting in your body and affecting your health. If you don’t get much better on your gluten-free diet, then Array 4 or Array 2 are the follow-up tests.

    · Array 4 – Gluten-Associated Cross-Reactive Foods and Foods Sensitivity. It tests for 28 food(components). It looks at foods that can cross react with gluten antibodies, dairy sensitivity. It also tests for sensitivity to new foods introduced in the gluten-free diet (amaranth) and foods that are

    over-consumed on the gluten-free diet (rice, corn, potato)0 and to egg and soy.

    · Array 5 – Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen. This panel tests for antibodies to common auto-immunity diseases found with celiac disease. Celiac patients are more prone to autoimmune disease compared to the general population. These are predictive auto antibodies which can show up as early as 10 years before the onset clinical manifestations of the disease. Knowing the presence of these antibodies can motivate you to make lifestyle choices to delay or avoid the onset of the autoimmune disease.

  • Hair Mineral Testing

    This inexpensive test gives lots of good clues about your diet, digestion, mineral status (inc. mercury), and the balance between the various minerals.

    Visit Trace Elements -> Click “Laboratory Services” -> “Sample Reports”, and click on any of the 3 pictures for more detail.

  • Hydration Test

    Do you know the hydration test? Where you pinch the skin on the back off your hand? If the skin stands up or slowly recedes you are considered dehydrated and in need of fluids. If the skin retracts quickly your hydration (and skin tone) are good. So rate yourself and use that as a guide of how much water you

    need per day.

  • Intestinal Permeability Test for "Leaky Gut"

    We use Array 2 by Cyrex Laboratories. This new test looks for bacterial antigens in the bloodstream, proof that bacteria made it into the bloodstream (very bad). It also test for antibodies to the proteins that hold the tight junctions together, signifying breakdown of the tissue.

    For years we used Lactulose and mannitol recoveries to reflect permeability both between and through the intestinal epithelial cells. This new test looks for bacterial antigens in the bloodstream, proof that bacteria made it into the bloodstream (very bad). It also test for antibodies to the proteins that make hold the tight junctions together.

    The lactulose reflects increased paracellular permeability (between the cells), which when elevated can result in macromolecules, toxins and antigens crossing the intestinal barrier into the lymph and circulatory systems, a condition termed “leaky gut”. These particles increase the load on the body’s detoxification system and may stimulate immune reactivity. Increased lactulose recovery has been associated with food allergy, inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis and other inflammatory conditions.

    Mannitol reflects increased transcellular permeability (through the cells), When elevated may reflect the passage of small antigens across the mucosal barrier, thereby triggering an immune response. This is a home test.

  • Iodine, Fluoride and Bromide Testing

    Iodine status and metabolism is affected not only by iodine intake, which has decreased significantly, but also by intake and retention of goitrogenic halides (bromide and fluoride). Bromide and fluoride are non-essential, toxic halides that avidly compete with iodide for the sodium/iodide symporter.

    Excessive intake of the antagonistic halides can accumulate in tissues, displace iodine and compromise the production of thyroid hormones and the integrity of the thyroid and mammary glands. Antagonistic bromide is abundant in commercially produced baked goods, soft drinks, pesticides, brominated chemicals and some medications. Primary sources of fluoride include fluoridated water, beverages, toothpaste, mouthwashes and some medications. This Urine Halides test provides comprehensive assessment of iodine sufficiency and retention of antagonistic halides in a single test that you can do at home and send in.

  • ION Panel

    The most comprehensive nutritional testing program available – measures over 100 components of your patient’s biochemistry. The ION™ Profile includes:

    The Organix Functional Deficiency Markers for all the B Vitamins and much more.

    Serum: Vitamin A, E, B-Carotene and also Coenzyme Q10 and Homocysteine.

    Nutritional and Toxic Heavy metals – (RBC/Whole Blood).

    Amino Acids tests for 20 fasting plasma amino acids or you can order 40 plasma amino acids.

    Lipid Peroxides (TBARS) a measurement of oxidation of the fats in your cell membranes.

    Essential Fatty Acids. The ION™ comes with the plasma Fatty Acids measurement, which reflects your recent diet. You can order it (for the same money) with the Erythrocyte (RBC) Fatty Acids instead, which is a better measure of the make up of the fats in your brain.

    You can also upgrade to the Cardio ION™ for measurement of additional cardiovascular markers

  • Lipo Protein Particle by Spectracell (serious cholesterol testing)

    In recent years the medical and scientific community has discovered that, beyond “standard” cholesterol tests, an important independent factor for heart disease can be determined by measuring the density and number of lipoprotein particles, which contain cholesterol. Patients with a normal cholesterol

    value, but abnormal particle size or density and numbers, can be at serious risk for cardiovascular disease. The LPP+ profile measures the NCEP emerging risk factors in addition to the lipid traits of Metabolic Syndrome as part of those results!

    Statistics indicate that 50% of heart attack victims showed ‘normal’ cholesterol levels!

    Visit SpectraCell for an excellent explanation. Now you know why the “CALCULATED LDL” on your lab report can give you a false sense of security or alarm. Most importantly this is not sufficient information to prescribe a Statin drug. Convenient yes, prudent no!

  • Male Hormone Panels

    Visit Diagnos Techs and click on “Tests and Panels” then look at the Male Hormone Panel and read the information on Testosterone, Dihydrotestosterone, DHEA, Androstenedione, and more. Blood tests are also available for these male hormones (and precursors).

  • Mold Toxins Testing

    We can now test for the mold Mycotoxins (trichothecenes, Aflatoxin, ochratoxins) in human tissue, human fluids or even in the dust bunnies under the refrigerator using RealTime Laboratories

  • Neurotransmitter Testing

    This urine test can show imbalances among: Serotonin, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, Dopamine, GABA, Glutamate, and other neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters can play a role in: depression, anxiety, insomnia, ADD/ADHD, focus, appetite, compulsive behaviors, chronic pain, Fibromyalgia, and other issues.

  • Opiate-like Peptides from Wheat and Milk

    Those peptides are named Casomorphins found in dairy products, Gliadorphins or gluteomorphin in found gluten containing grains, and most recently Soymorphins in soy products. Gliadorphin is a peptide derived from the wheat protein gluten. Other related grains such as rye, barley and oats also contain the sequence of amino acids found in gluten. Gliadorphin is very similar to casomorphin. Soy products also contain some casomorphins and gliadorphins.

    These compounds can be addictive for certain people, and cause severe behavioral and physical reactions. This occurs when people have poor digestion of specific proteins plus intestinal permeability. This allows small opioid peptides to bind to opioid receptors in the gut and the brain, slowing gut motility and mimicking the addictive and debilitating effects of opiate drugs like heroin and morphine. This is often seen in children with developmental delays. For example: Gliadorphin has been verified by mass spectrometry techniques to be present in urine samples of children with autism. The opioid can be identified by a simple urine test. More information at Great Plains Laboratory

  • Organic Acid Testing

    The Organix is one of my favorite tests after the Wellness profile. This test gives the most complete picture of what is happening in your cells. It is a functional test, meaning, rather than looking at amount of the different vitamins, minerals, etc., it looks at the products that your cells produce they have enough or not enough of the different nutrients. This first morning urine sample gives you information about: deficient energy production (to see if you are properly burning your fats, protein and carbs for energy rather than storing them as fat), bacterial/fungal overgrowth, neurotransmitter deficiencies, detox problems, anti-oxidant status, and more.

  • Personal Genetic Testing for Diet, Nutrition and Exercise

    Understand how your genes influence your body’s response to diet, nutrition and exercise. The Pathway Fit ® report provides personalized information and recommendations based on your genetics to assist you in achieving the following goals: Understand your metabolism and dietary traits. Optimize the effects of physical activity and exercise. Enhance the nutritional balance of your diet.

    To see what you‘ll learn, read my personal report. I had 73 genetic markers tested to determine what diet to follow, 7 markers for special nutritional needs, 11 markers to help with exercise choices, and 63 markers for metabolic health. Now I know that I need a diet lower in fat instead of a low carbohydrate, Mediterranean or other diet, and my genetics are associated with an enhanced benefit from endurance exercises, such as mid-long distance walking, jogging and bicycling. Weight resistance exercises may be less beneficial. Click here to checkout Dr. Ron’s Report

  • Stool or Gastrointestinal Health Testing

    The gastrointestinal tract is essentially an external part of the body. This is the reason we do not have to sterilize our food, but only be sure it is clean and wholesome. With the overuse of anti-biotics, including anti-bacterial soap, anti-fungals, and anti-acid medications, we are getting more unwelcome inhabitants in our gut then ever before. In addition, the risk of being infected or infested by pathogenic organisms through food and water is also increasing. This is due to several reasons: immigration; frequent overseas travel; importation of vegetables and fruits; lack of a public health policy to screen food handlers for transmissible pathogens; outdoor and wilderness excursions; alternate life-styles; agricultural pollution; pets at home, etc.

  • Thyroid Testing (serum, real simple, and more detail)


    If your thyroid tests always come back “normal” and you still feel tired and continue to gain weight, constipated, foggy thinking, elevated cholesterol, hair loss, bad skin and more, consider better testing. Normal is defined as a TSH that is within the “normal” range. But that is seldom the whole story. A higher TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) means more stimulation of the Thyroid (by the pituitary) to make more Thyroid hormone (T4) because there is not enough T4 circulating. First option: an inexpensive screening: T3 uptake (total triiodo-thyronine), T4 (total thyroxine) and TSH (Thyroid Stimulation Hormone).

    A better option is to test the levels of Free T3 and Free T4. Free means bioavailable hormone. T3 is 3-5 times as active as T4, which is why some people do better on Armour thyroid (which contains both) than Synthroid (only T4). Are T4 and T3 low? Then consider testing for Thyroid antibodies: Thyroglobulin and thyroid peroxidase antibodies, which can reduce the synthesis of T4 and T3. Still unhappy? Consider this test: Reverse T3, which blocks “regular” T3 from doing its job. The medical standard of care is to test for TSH only or possibly add Free T4. Now you know why the doctors say: “You are just fine, there is nothing wrong with your thyroid”.

    Real Simple

    Most Doctor’s (99.9%) disregard this simple test as invalid and consider the result not pertinent, hocus pocus etc. The standard of care is to do a serum TSH and maybe a T4. The standard of care has nothing to do with helping you the patient, all it means is the Doctor is doing due diligence to satisfy the medical board and insurance companies. So you have to screen your Doctors.

    Take your auxiliary (armpit) temperature when you wake in the morning, don’t get up, don’t move too much. To learn more read the classic book “Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness” by Broda O. Barnes, MD, written way back in 1976. Personally, I prefer to take my first morning urine temp, it is much more convenient. Find out the average temperature of your first morning urine to see how well your thyroid is working. The normal core body temperature of a healthy, resting adult human being is stated to be at 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit or 37.0 degrees Celsius.

    This is what I would like you to do. Collect your first morning urine, when you arise for the day, in an insulated cup and put a thermometer in it. Read and record. Take your temperature 3 or more times a week for the next couple of weeks. For ladies who still have a cycle determine your month’s average. The reason for this is because your temperature can rise and fall with the fluctuations of your hormones (FSH, LH, estrogen, etc.). If you end up with a low temperature average then is time to go to work.

    More Detail

    It is one thing to know what your thyroid values are. It is an entirely different approach to test. What can be contributing to you are making too much or to little T4 and T3, and to much RT3?

    For that we need to determine if you are getting sufficient quantities of the thyroid supporting nutrients: B vitamins, vitamin D, tyrosine, iodine, selenium, zinc, iron, copper, proper balance of Omega-3 to Omega-6 fatty acids. Or are you getting to many anti-nutrients (bromide, fluoride, mercury and other heavy metals, mold toxins, chemicals. Or does your diet contain too many goitrogenic foods, too many Omega-6 fatty acids. Have you been putting out to much cortisol for too long because your stress level is so high? Are you gluten / gliadin sensitive? All these factors need to be considered if you want to improve your health without going on medication.

    You can see why thyroid related problems are so common. First test to consider is the Hair Mineral Analysis, then the Adrenal stress Index test, the Iodine status, the Fatty acid status, Enterolab for gluten sensitivity, it all depends on what is discovered during your consultation.

  • Vitamin, Mineral and Anti-Oxidant Level Testing

    The MNT™ Comprehensive Nutritional Panel by SpectraCell measures the relative amount of the various nutrients present in lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell). Micronutrient testing is more than a snapshot; it gives a 4-6 month nutritional history since it is specifically performed on cells that have a long lifespan.

    If you worry about taking too much or taking too little, then this is the test for you. It tests for Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K2, Calcium, Asparagine, Coenzyme Q10, Lipoic Acid, Vitamin B1, Magnesium, Carnitine, Glutathione, Oleic Acid, Vitamin B2, Selenium, Glutamine, Cysteine, Choline, Vitamin B3, Zinc, Serine, Spectrox™ (Total Antioxidant Function),
    Inositol, Vitamin B6, Fructose Intolerance, Vitamin B12, Glucose/Insulin Metabolism, Biotin, Folic Acid, Pantothenate, Vitamin D, Vitamin E.

    For more info visit: SpectraCell

  • Water Analysis

    A significant source of many toxic elements to which individuals are exposed may be in drinking water. There are serious health problems associated with naturally elevated arsenic levels in drinking water in different parts of the world.

    Lead is another potentially serious drinking water problem as lead can be introduced into drinking water by old pipes in homes or by old plumbing systems bringing water into houses. Additional metals regulated by the EPA include aluminum, antimony, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, manganese,

    mercury, nickel, selenium, thallium, uranium and zinc. Fluoride is a controversial element which can adversely affect health at relatively low concentrations. pH is an important parameter to check because acidic water may cause corrosion in water pipes and leach metals such as lead and copper into the water you drink.

    To assure safe drinking water, you should test your water for these elements.

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